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Prestashop 1.7.4 Speed/ Loading issue on Apache2, EC2 PHP-FPM Opcache

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Dear Prestashop Gurus, 

I have recently moved my Prestashop 1.7.4 site to AWS Infra, ec2 with and PHP-FPM 7.2 on Apache with Opcache. 

it seems the site is not loading as previously. I am sharing the Debug Profile report. 

  • in the PrestaShop Cache it shows - Mb (nothing) does it mean that the server is not using the cache ?
  • also on the middle bottom it shows nothing for the Hooks/Module , Time, Memory usage, do you know why?
  • does this mean the cache is not working ? what can be the reason?
  • Strange thing is that the RDS and EC2 CPU never goes more than 15 %, not able to use the AWS resource fully. what can be the reason for that ?


added PHP INFO Variables

Thank you so much  and have a great day ahead!




Prestashop Debug mode Report.png

Prestashop Debug mode Report2.png

php info 03.png

php info 04.png

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  • bhavinrana07 changed the title to Prestashop 1.7.4 Speed/ Loading issue on Apache2, EC2 PHP-FPM Opcache

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