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Faceted search does not want to display when hooked

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Hi I have a custom module that has popup with a custom hook in it. When I try hooking for example search bar it displays it perfectly, but when I try to hook faceted search it just displays comment like this (I am refering to image). I have no idea what is going on and why, here is the template

<div id="pp_myModal" class="pp_modal">

  <!-- Modal content -->
  <div class="pp_modal-content">
    <span class="pp_close">&times;</span>
    <p>{hook h='displayPopup'}


And here is the registering of hook:

	public function hookDisplayPopup()
		return "";

I am probably registering it incorectly, but I did not found any other way. I tried this:

$hook = new Hook();
$hook->name = 'displayAtSpecificPlace';
$hook->title = 'The name of your hook';
$hook->description = 'This is a custom hook!';
$hook->position = 1;
$hook->add(); // return true on success

in install method, but it was installing infinitly long.

Thank you for your answers

Snímek obrazovky pořízený 2021-02-07 14-45-36.png


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