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Are translation catalog automatically update?

El Pipo

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Hi all,

I think I read all devdoc regarding translation.

I did had this code in src/Core/Form/ChoiceProvider/CanonicalRedirectTypeChoiceProvider.php:

        $movedPermanentlyMessage = $this->translator->trans(
            '301 Moved Permanently (recommended once you have gone live)',

        // New
        $goneMessage = $this->translator->trans(
            '410 Gone (recommended once your redirect is also gone)',

        return [
            $noRedirectionMessage => 0,
            $movedTemporaryMessage => 1,
            $movedPermanentlyMessage => 2,
            // New
            $goneMessage => 3,

I hope to see a new entry going to the back-office translation tool in the BO. But this new translation did not appear.

In the doc (https://devdocs.prestashop.com/1.7/development/internationalization/translation/translation-tips/) it's written:


Before every minor release, the whole source code for PrestaShop and Native Modules is analyzed using TranslationToolsBundle, and all newly discovered wordings are automatically added to the default catalogue.

Is this automatic? If not, is there a way to trigger catalogue's rebuild? How?

Best regards,

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To make it up a bit, here are the result of my last week tests :

Use of 

php bin/console translation:update

doesn't produce anything: normal at no time this process knows it should look in src/Core php files.

The file t9n.yml :

cache_dir: /tmp/TranslationTool/
  - classes
  - controllers
  - admin-dev
  - modules
  - src
  - override
  - install-dev
  - themes
  - pdf
  - mails/themes
  - src/PrestaShopBundle/Tests
  - classes/PrestaShopAutoload.php
  - var/cache/
  - var/logs
  - node_modules
  - vendor
  - tools
  - mails/[a-zA-Z]{2}/
  - js
  - modules/ps_themecusto

looks to be involved, but I didn't find any script calling it (google didn't help me too).

I didn't find anything in tools/build.

Any idea?

Best regard,

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