Hello everyone 👋
We have jewelry shop and we want to sell single earring. It means that we created combinations: single and pair and catalog price rule (-40%) for single earring attribute. The problem is this discount is visible on the product page as well as on the listing (catalog) page "-40%" that is not logical because discount should be applied only for pair earrings and should not be visible anywhere. Is it possible to ignore this catalog price rule for label only and show only basic discount - sale price for product, not single earring (if exists). We have the following code:
{if $product.has_discount} {if $product.discount_type === 'percentage'} {if !empty($product.discount_percentage)} <li class="discount-perc">{$product.discount_percentage}</li> {/if} {/if} {/if}
Thank you very much for your help!