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Advertising block - working with languages

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Has anyone managed to make it so that the blockadvertising that comes default with Prestashop is language sensitive?

I mean, I have an image with English text on it. I'd like when visitors change their language to French, another image (containing the French ad) to be displayed. Can anyone help? I think it's something a lot of users would appreciate.

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  • 11 months later...

Here's the solution specifically for the Advertising module:


in modules/blockadvertising/blockadvertising.tpl change:

img src="{$image}"



img src="{$img_ps_dir}advertising_custom_{$lang_iso}.jpg"


in the /img folder upload different images for each language and name them using the 2 letters iso code from each language you are using, for example:





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And if you want to change the language of the title of the image, you can change the alt and title it in the .tpl file to:


alt="{l s='Your text here' mod='blockadvertising'}"


and translate it in the Back Office (Translations>Modules)

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