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[SOLVED] Hide features with specific ID in product description PS 1.7


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Hello I am trying to find out solution to hide features with specific ID to being showed in browser. 

I have product-details.tpl and there is this code:

{block name='product_features'}
    {if $product.grouped_features}
      <section class="product-features">
        <h3 class="h6">{l s='Data sheet' d='Shop.Theme.Catalog'}</h3>
        <dl class="data-sheet">
          {foreach from=$product.grouped_features item=feature}
            <dt class="name">{$feature.name}</dt>
            <dd class="value">{$feature.value|escape:'htmlall'|nl2br nofilter}</dd>	

And I need to hide for example features with ID 20 and 21. How can I achieve this? I was trying to add {if id_feature==20}display:none;{/if} but it not helped.


Thanks for your help

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Just from the top of my head. So it may not be entirely correct:

          {foreach from=$product.grouped_features item=feature}
			{if $feature.id_feature == 20}{continue}{/if}
            <dt class="name">{$feature.name}</dt>
            <dd class="value">{$feature.value|escape:'htmlall'|nl2br nofilter}</dd>	


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Yes, it works very well I used it like this:


{block name='product_features'}
    {if $product.grouped_features}
      <section class="product-features">
        <h3 class="h6">{l s='Data sheet' d='Shop.Theme.Catalog'}</h3>
        <dl class="data-sheet">
          {foreach from=$product.grouped_features item=feature}
		  {if $feature.id_feature == 20}{continue}{/if}
		  {if $feature.id_feature == 21}{continue}{/if}
		  {if $feature.id_feature == 22}{continue}{/if}
		  {if $feature.id_feature == 23}{continue}{/if}
            <dt class="name">{$feature.name}</dt>
            <dd class="value">{$feature.value|escape:'htmlall'|nl2br nofilter}</dd>	

is possible to somehow write it in one row, or needs to be for each feature ID own code like I have it


I mean something like this:

{if $feature.id_feature == 20,21,22,23}{continue}{/if}


Edited by tosR (see edit history)
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  • tosR changed the title to [SOLVED] Hide features with specific ID in product description PS 1.7
  • 1 year later...


this solution works great thanks.

But if there's only this kind of hidden features ID on a product, the tab features title is shown on the products page.

I would like the features tab title not appeared in this case.

Any idea ?

many thanks

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