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Upgrading v1.4.0.17 to SVN v1.4.1 has sql failure

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On a fresh install of v1.4.0.17 having no modules installed, an upgrade to SVN 5986 was attempted and one of the SQLs failed and another just didn't get in. The one that failed was:

INSERT INTO `ps_hook_module` (`id_module`, `id_hook`, `position`) VALUES ( (SELECT `id_module` FROM `ps_module` WHERE `name` = 'blockcategories'), (SELECT `id_hook` FROM `ps_hook` WHERE `name` = 'afterSaveAdminMeta'), 1 )

(1048) Column 'id_module' cannot be null

The one that did not get in (due to use of set names utf8 I presume):

UPDATE `ps_address_format` set `format`='firstname lastname company address1 address2 city state postcode country phone' where `id_country`=21

As the last sql above is not coded as UTF8 and straddles several lines in the upgrade sql file, it doesn't make it to the db. It should be:

UPDATE `PREFIX_address_format` set `format`='firstname lastname\ncompany\naddress1\naddress2\ncity state postcode\ncountry\nphone' where `id_country`=21;

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Anticipating a releases anytime now, I had posted the info so that it may be addressed in time. The issue is not solved even in the release version 1.4.1.

Also the last UPDATE statement for USA (country id = 21) should not have been split into many lines id SET NAMES utf8 is being used when the file is not encoded with utf8.

Anyone upgrading to this version - see that atleast the two SQLs listed here have been effected correctly.

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