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Defining $image (PHP) to display image caption - Looking for Developer


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I want to show the image caption on the product page (using the image modal) instead of the product summary appears under the images.

My understanding is that the $image needs to be defined before this set of code:

<figcaption class="image-caption">
{block name='product_description_short'}
<div id="product-description-short" itemprop="description">{$product.description_short nofilter}</div>

So then I can change the 3rd line (above) to this:

<div id="product-description-short" itemprop="description">{$image.legend}</div>

And the .tpl file is defining $image within this loop after the figcaption.

{foreach from=$product.images item=image}

I have no PHP experience and when I tried to make some changes I was able to get the image captions to appear but it wasn't displaying correctly.

Willing to pay someone to update this .tpl file to display the image caption.


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