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copyright in footer no change


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You did not mention you Prestashop version.

But if you are using 1.7 with Classic theme you might have to change it in the file through FTP.

If you are comfortable doing that you will find it here:


In that folder you will see a file called footer.tpl and it that file you can change it.
This only applies to if you want to change everything.

If you just want to edit the content of the current copyright section, I recommend you doing it from translations in the backoffice.
You can find it -> International -> Translations -> Theme translations 
In theme translations you'll have to go to -> Shop -> Theme -> Global and go through the pages until you find the following:

%copyright% %year% - Ecommerce software by %prestashop%


Remember to clear cache after

Screen Shot 2564-03-23 at 10.40.18.png

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