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Prestashop SMTP Not Store


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I tried to configure SMTP in Advanced Parameters-->Email.

When i click "Send a test email", i am getting an email.

Once, i click save "SMTP password" password field becomes blank.  I am not getting email when i register/forget password/place an order.

It seems password is not stored in database.

Can i know if anyone has same issue?  How to fix this issue.  This is on Prestashop

Thank you in advance for your help!



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  • 3 weeks later...


I was update our prestashop 1.7.6 to In this update i am facing problem. I am testing to send mail its showing error.

Error: Please check your configuration

Expected response code 220 but got an empty response


and when change status of order then got a error.

An error occurred while changing the status for order #282, or we were unable to send an email to the customer.


and when i click on reset password its showing error.

An error occurred while sending the email.



Kamlesh Kumar


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Hi, Sundararajan

Password field, it becomes blank, that is correct. If you get an email that means that emailing system it works fine.
You should also install the mail alerts module (free) if you want to get email notifications when someone places an order etc.


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