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Prestashop Checkout v2.3.0+ - Configuration problem...

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I've a problem with Prestashop Checkout 2.3.0+ module.
After install if I click on the configure button an empty page is showed and is not possible to configure the module.
This with prestashop v1.7.7.0 and checkout v2.3.0 at first.
Then I've tried various module upgrade (2.4.0, 2.5.0, 2.5.1) but the problem persists.
In attachment a screenshot of the configuration page.

It is more then a week I've this problem.
I've contacted Prestashop Support and they say have forwarded the problem to their development team and let me know.
But I've received no answer after that.
So I've send other two mail to the support, asking for news/updates to this problem, always no answer.
Is there anyone having this problem too and/or has a solution for this?

Ufortunately we are stopped at this, and customer begin to stress, because he need to be live at the end of the month.

Thank you in advance.



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First, clear your (smarty) cache. Does it work now?

Does the file: /modules/ps_checkout/views/js/app.js exist?

If not, did you perhaps downloaded a zip of Github? If so you need to compile the vue resources manual (or download the zip  from prestashop module store).

If it exists, check with developer tools in the browser if the app.js file is downloaded, try to redownload manual. If not, Check the html of the page in a Script tag with app.js is present.

This knowledge limits the origin of your problem to:

  1. the js scripts are not loading correctly.
  2. there is an issue with vue script that supply the functionality.

This additional info will help the developers to have a closer look.




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2 hours ago, elburgl69 said:

First, clear your (smarty) cache. Does it work now?

Does the file: /modules/ps_checkout/views/js/app.js exist?

If not, did you perhaps downloaded a zip of Github? If so you need to compile the vue resources manual (or download the zip  from prestashop module store).

If it exists, check with developer tools in the browser if the app.js file is downloaded, try to redownload manual. If not, Check the html of the page in a Script tag with app.js is present.

This knowledge limits the origin of your problem to:

  1. the js scripts are not loading correctly.
  2. there is an issue with vue script that supply the functionality.

This additional info will help the developers to have a closer look.




Hello Leo, thank you for the answer.
I've all cache option disabled.
File /modules/ps_checkout/views/js/app.js exists on my server.
It also exists in Developers Tools->Source.
F12 console show the following warning:
"JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.1.0
DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for https://elettroled.net/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE

I've tried with Google Chrome, Firefox and Brave, all latest versions.
Still the same.

Thank you in advance for the help.


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Hello Pietro,

Can you confirm on this installation you can edit a product?

If so can you paste the html (right click -> page source or something) of the page that opens when you configure PS Checkout? (or add as attachment)

Can you paste the content of app.js, as when you open in devtools  (double click) in the browser? (or add as attachment)

I can't reproduce your problem, something must be wrong with your installation. Can you reïnstall Prestashop, or a new instance and test there?




Edited by elburgl69 (see edit history)
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15 hours ago, elburgl69 said:

Hello Pietro,

Can you confirm on this installation you can edit a product?

If so can you paste the html (right click -> page source or something) of the page that opens when you configure PS Checkout? (or add as attachment)

Can you paste the content of app.js, as when you open in devtools  (double click) in the browser? (or add as attachment)

I can't reproduce your problem, something must be wrong with your installation. Can you reïnstall Prestashop, or a new instance and test there?




Hello Leo,
Yes, I can edit any product.
I've installed prestashop v1.7.7.0 with softaculous installer from my hosting provider (TMDHosting).
In attachment I send html of the configuration page and the app.js file.
Rollback installation is the last option, I would avoid it.

Thank you again.



Edited by PietroWeb (see edit history)
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Strange. Something prevents vue.js to attach itself to <div id="app"></div>, to do it's magic. Probably a Javascript thing. The following scripts are loaded after app.js.

  • <script type="text/javascript" src="/modules/welcome/public/module.js"></script>
  • <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.sortable.min.js"></script>
  • <script type="text/javascript" src="/modules/tvcmscustomsetting/views/js/back.js"></script>
  • <script type="text/javascript" src="/modules/tvcmsbrandlist/views/js/back.js">
  • </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/modules/tvcmspaymenticon/views/js/back.js"></script>
  • <script type="text/javascript" src="/modules/tvcmstestimonial/views/js/back.js"></script>
  • <script type="text/javascript" src="/modules/tvcmscategoryslider/views/js/back.js">
  • </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/modules/tvcmscategoryproduct/views/js/back.js"></script>
  • <script type="text/javascript" src="/modules/tvcmscategorychainslider/views/js/back.js"></script>
  • <script type="text/javascript" src="/modules/tvcmstabproducts/views/js/back.js"></script>

Try disabling modules welcome, tvcmscustomsetting, tvcmsbrandlist, tvcmspaymenticon, tvcmstestimonial, tvcmscategoryslider, tvcmscategoryproduct,  tvcmscategorychainslider and tvcmstabproducts one by one and test in between every step. Try disabling all non ps modules one by, until you find the one causing the problem.


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Hello Leo,
ok, you are right, I've deleted html file from my previous post.

I've tried to disable modules you highlight, but unfortunately relative js files are always loaded (when checking source code of the configuration page).
I've tried also to clean the cache, to clear application data with F12->Application and to logout and login.
I have to say the modules starting with "tv" are related to a paid theme the customer has bought.
In order to exclude it was the cause of the problem I've switched many times from this theme to the basic prestashop theme.
Unfortunately the problem persists.
I could uninstall the 3rd-party theme and do a check, but I would avoid it, because then I've to reconfigure the whole theme, and is a very annoying operation,
and we have to do again all the translations.

Now I'm contacting the theme creator to ask information on this problem, and if it may be related to theme specific files loaded.

Thank you again for the help.
If you have any other ideas, I could try, otherwise I have to uninstall prestashop checkout and switch to paypal module, that is working fine,
and use only this.


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Thank you Leo.
Yes, I've reinstalled it many times.
Besides, unfortunately, another problem has occurred :(
I've updated the category tree official module.
After that when I now open the admin panel login page an HTTP 500 error occurr.
I cannot see any error in F12.
I've tried to disable this module via database, but problem persist.
So I can't access anymore in my admin panel.

Sorry, I know I'm off-topic, but I'm very discouraged at now.

If you have any ideas I'll thank you.
Otherwise I'll open another topic for this, after doing some search.


Edited by PietroWeb (see edit history)
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Delete the folder <documentroot>/app/cache/prod and <documentroot>/app/cache/dev if they exist. Normally such a 500 error is an attempt to load a class that is already loaded in the cache.

If that does not help, have a look at your php logfiles. On unixboxes, normally look in /var/log/php* (* for the version).

Otherwise put error reporting on (can be nasty in the front end too on production systems...). Edit <document root>/config/defines.inc.php and change the second line:

if (!defined('_PS_MODE_DEV_')) {
	define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);

This will give you a cause why the error occurs.

By the way, when deleting modules manual in the database, do no forget the named entries in ps_authorization_role table. The SLUG is something like ROLE_MOD_TAB_<MODULE NAME>_<ACTION>.



Edited by elburgl69 (see edit history)
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I have the same problem.

I followed these steps:

- I have installed and reinstalled the ps_checkout module several times
- I cleared the caches bo and manually
- I checked the page's html to look for app.js

but the problem persists.

Please how can I solve?

I am very disheartened and I don't know what to do anymore

I use PS 1.7.7
Linux Server Information # 1 SMP Fri Mar 13 09:20:40 EDT 2020 x86_64
Server software version: Apache
PHP Version: 7.3.23
Memory limit: 512M
Maximum execution time: 300 Max.
Size of files to upload: 128M

Thanks in advance for the help

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1 minute ago, ceca19 said:


I have the same problem.

I followed these steps:


Hello ceca19,
unfortunately I've not solved and support has not answered, after a first time.
I'm going to use the official paypal module, in order to manage payments.
I've to try but it seems it is possible to use credit/debit card with paypal without registration.
So I think I can proceed in this way.


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1 minute ago, ceca19 said:

Thanks  Pietroweb for the reply,

I have already tried with paypal module but also he from FO does not work.

I also use thema themevolty

A doubt arises ... could it be the thema that conflicts?

Ah Ok, I've this doubt too.
I've to say this theme is very buggy; anyway I've come back to the classic prestashop theme and the problem remain.
I've not tried to uninstall the themevolty theme, because I've spent many days to configure it in a decent way.
And I'm scared to have to reset all the configurations.

As to paypal module, I've tried just for a while at the beginning and I remember there was something strange at checkout time.
I'll do a try and let you know.

Sorry, but I will have no good reviews of prestashop.
Anyway my customer want to use it, and I've accepted the work, so I've to finish it. :(


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  • 1 year later...

Good morning,
i have the same problem with the Prestashop Checkout module.
When I click on configure nothing appears.

I have installed all versions of PS Checkout up to 2.16 but it doesn't work.

I contacted the developers of the module but they didn't answer me.

If you have a solution, please help me.

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I had the ThemeVolty theme, but I uninstalled it, and I uninstalled all the connected modules by deleting them from the modules folder.
I realized it was a bad theme with a lot of bugs.
But I think it didn't depend on this because now I have another theme the ps checkout module doesn't work anyway.

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1 hour ago, dideccoavo said:

I'm running prestasho on PHP 7.4.27 but nothing changes.

try php 7.3 php versions most of the times depend on the modules. Your core can run on 7.4 but if one module won't follow issues arise.

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  • 1 month later...

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