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On 1/22/2021 at 5:58 PM, El Patron said:

fyi, stop deleting things, stop dorking with stuff...do some marketing or maybe something new like a klayvi campaign...loool

El Patron

I was sober honest  :)  and yes im still cleaning remnents of a bad hack a few months back  

Those redirects in that file have been set up on my host as well something I never carried out, they all link to images that were removed after a back door module hack a few months ago, 

I cannot remove the redirects on the server  and when I checked the htaccess file I see the same redirects so im confused.



I already renamed the  file "old" and that above is the regenerated version, I was thinking if my code had been comprimised it would re write a clean version,   so im guessing there is still something in my presta version  that is still either comprimised or old code that needs removing, but not sure where to start,

Any suggestions are welcomed with open arms at this stage  as my cart is showing poor speeds on GTMetrix now  when I was right up there at one point





On 1/22/2021 at 5:58 PM, El Patron said:

fyi, stop deleting things, stop dorking with stuff...do some marketing or maybe something new like a klayvi campaign...loool

El Patron

I was sober honest  :)

Those redirects in that file have been set up on my host as well something I never carried out, they all link to images that were removed after a back door module hack a few months ago, 

I cannot remove the redirects on the server  and when I checked the htaccess file I see the same redirects so im confused.



I already renamed the  file "old" and that above is the regenerated version, I was thinking if my code had been comprimised it would re write a clean version,   so im guessing there is still something in my presta version  that is still either comprimised or old code that needs removing, but not sure where to start,

Any suggestions are welcomed with open arms at this stage  as my cart is showing poor speeds on GTMetrix now  when I was right up there at one point





On 1/22/2021 at 5:58 PM, El Patron said:

fyi, stop deleting things, stop dorking with stuff...do some marketing or maybe something new like a klayvi campaign...loool

El Patron

I was sober honest  :)

Those redirects in that file have been set up on my host something I never carried out those redirects, they all link to images that were revoved after a back door module hack a few months ago, 

I cannot remove the redirects on the server  and when I checked the htaccess file I see the same redirects so im confused.



I already renamed the  file "old" and that above is the regenerated version, I was thinking if my code had been comprimised it would re write a clean version,   so im guessing there is still something in my presta version  that is still either comprimised or old code that needs removing, but not sure where to start,

Any suggestions are welcomed with open arms at this stage  as my cart is showing poor speeds on GTMetrix now  when I was right up there at one point



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