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PS How to add affiliate code

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I'm trying to figure out how to add affiliate code to my PS classic theme (child version). Affiliate code is based on Circlewise program and this code should be placed in order confirmation page "right after the body opening tag". I looked into order-confirmation.tpl and didn't find the body tag at all. Is it even right place for this script? Here is instruction page I was given:


We'd like the sale script to take affect. ( I do have all parameter values for the script)

Thanks in advance!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I still haven't found solution for this and I also can't find module what could do this for us.

All modules set up own affiliate programs and that is not what we need. We use 3rd party service and it takes care of affiliates.

Can anyone help, please?


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No way there is no solution for this?

We get the code to work exept it doesn't fetch the sale amount. What is the parametre that goes to data-amount="amount" ?

The code:

<script src="https://cdn.trackmytarget.com/tracking/s/checkout.min.js" data-type="sale" data-offer-sid="{offer_sid}" data-event-sid="{event_sid}" data-id="{id}" data-amount="{amount}" data-currency="{currency}"></script> <noscript> <img src="https://p.trackmytarget.com/?type=sale&offer_sid={offer_sid}&event_sid={event_sid}&id={id}&amount={amount}&currency={currency}" alt="" width="1" height="1" border="0" /> </noscript>


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