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PrestaShop 1.7 product import


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Hello everybody,

I bought a module with which you can also export things in PrestaShop.

The developer of the module added two more fields for products so that I can not only export the standard PrestaShop things like name etc., but also the two other fields.

Now I would like to import these products with the two fields, but when importing from PrestaShop I cannot map these two fields to any PrestaShop selection.

Can someone tell me how I can assign the two fields when importing PrestaShop?

The only available fields in PrestaShop are:


Active (0/1)


Parent category

Main category (0/1)


Meta title

Meta keywords

Meta description

URL rewrite

Image url

ID / name of the shop


Can someone tell me how to get more about it here?


And one more question of understanding. If I export all products and import the same list again, does the image assignment still work? Usually it does, right? Because the path has not changed there.

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