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Order confirmation with credit card payment


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I'm implementing card payments to my web shop.

I use regional card processing firm, which I am required to have contract with (and the bank too).

They have Prestashop module, but it's plain, not much options, only fields to input key and token.

When I do the payment, it redirects to their form, and it's processed, but there is a problem with order confirmation, because order is not confirmed or registered.

There is an option to set the success url in their admin panel, which I have set to order-confirmation page.

But, there are no required parameters, like key, cart id, etc. in the return url, so it only redirects to order-history page, without confirming the order.

Looks like their plugin doesn't pass these values.

How do I get these values, to pass to payment processor in ther "custom_params" field?


Thank in advance.

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