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Yulia Vitun

Yulia Vitun

....also I found this solution: 

to add this if logic to the line 390 in src/Adapter/Product/AdminProductDataProvider.php

if ($formatCldr && $product['price'] != null && $product['price_final'] != null) {
  $product['price'] = $localeCldr->formatPrice($product['price'], $currency->iso_code);
  $product['price_final'] = $localeCldr->formatPrice($product['price_final'], $currency->iso_code);

I add two solutions mentioned, lets see ))

Yulia Vitun

Yulia Vitun

....also I found this solution: 

to add this if logic to the line 390 in src/Adapter/Product/AdminProductDataProvider.php

if ($formatCldr && $product['price'] != null && $product['price_final'] != null) {
  $product['price'] = $localeCldr->formatPrice($product['price'], $currency->iso_code);
  $product['price_final'] = $localeCldr->formatPrice($product['price_final'], $currency->iso_code);

I add two solutions mentioned, lets see ))

Yulia Vitun

Yulia Vitun

also found this solution: 

I had what appears to be the same problem. This solved it.
Add this logic to the if on line 390 in src/Adapter/Product/AdminProductDataProvider.php

if ($formatCldr && $product['price'] != null && $product['price_final'] != null) {
  $product['price'] = $localeCldr->formatPrice($product['price'], $currency->iso_code);
  $product['price_final'] = $localeCldr->formatPrice($product['price_final'], $currency->iso_code);

I add two solutions mentioned, lets see ))

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