Well then the problem is super simple in the end but however you need to put the code as given above see below:
Add this logic to the if on line 390 in src/Adapter/Product/AdminProductDataProvider.php
if ($formatCldr) {
$product['price'] = $localeCldr->formatPrice($product['price'], $currency->iso_code);
$product['price_final'] = $localeCldr->formatPrice($product['price_final'], $currency->iso_code);
if ($formatCldr && $product['price'] != null && $product['price_final'] != null) {
$product['price'] = $localeCldr->formatPrice($product['price'], $currency->iso_code);
$product['price_final'] = $localeCldr->formatPrice($product['price_final'], $currency->iso_code);
Then when you have all the products displayed, search in the page or pages for the mention N/D of the column Amount including tax
Edit the product and delete all the combinations (shops only) Then save then put all the shops and recreate the combinations! Then modify the variations for each shop and save for each of the shops then go back to all the shops then save until you have the updated product message!!
Do this for all products with N/D then once finished you can remove the piece of code :).
Problem solved !!
In the future create your variations before on all the shops then configure each shop their price etc ..