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Multi-shop stopped working with year 2021


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First of all, happy new year, even if not very fun for me!

I've a PS, which has been working fine for several years with two shops. The default one and one more.

I've discovered today, that after the year change, the default one is still working fine, however, the other one, doesn't load the home page. No errors (even in debug), nothing in the logs, no way to find it, despite how many hours I've been trying.

If I use any URL from a product, contact, access, etc., it works, however, clicking home, just get the page never loaded. Nothing in the apache, mysql or php logs.

The back office works fine.

If I change the server date to 2020 it works fine, so definitely some bug or dependency on the year ... but only affecting the home page.

Any idea or suggestion to debug the problem?


Installed in Ubuntu 14.04.6 LTS

Apache  2.4.39

PHP 5.5.9

mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.62

I know is older versions, but even if I tried updating it, there are lots of dependencies and other web site in the same machine, etc., which can't easily be ported.


Tks in advance for any hint !


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