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[SOLVED] Editing Product Description Problems

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I am trying to edit the description of my product in the description box in catalog. I can add text to the box but when I save, it reverts back to previous version and formatting but tells me that update is successful. I also cannot use my mouse in the description box to move around, I can only move around the box using the keyboard direction keys. I can add images without any problem to same product.

I have another PS site that would appear to be working OK.

Any help would be appreciated as I am trying to update my site.

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I have just tried to create a new product in catalog, everything entered okay including image but when saved the text disappears from the product description and the message "creation successful" and "update successful" is shown.

The product appears on the website with the graphic but no descriptive text.

Is there anybody who has had this problem before and can give me an idea where to start? All submissions gratefully accepted.

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I thought about this problem and about what I had done recently and came up with a solution which maybe needs an answer from Microsoft or PrestaShop but answers or comments from the forum would help!!

I had just performed Windows Update and had updated from IE8 to IE9; to see if this was the problem I uninstalled IE 9 and reverted back to IE8 and this seems to have solved the issue.

The thing is I am running two sites and the other site worked better in IE9, in fact if you look at another problem I had "Drop Down Boxes", the problem I had with IE8 was sorted wih IE9 but I have had to go back to IE8.

I hope that this makes sense to you, any comments would be appreciated.

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First you open admin folder than open header.inc.php after the head tags you will put this description like this

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" >

IE9 not supporting to javascript files.

I hope it's Help for everyone

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  • 1 year later...

First you open admin folder than open header.inc.php after the head tags you will put this description like this



<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" >



IE9 not supporting to javascript files.


I hope it's Help for everyone



Zeta41, thanks for the fix!

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