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Hello Friends,

i'm using this code below to generate some data to a barcode in invoice.tpl  using TCPDF method "write1DBarcode" and it works perfectly, but i want the phone number to be in the barcode and i don't know how to call it :


<td style="width: 17%"></td>

<td style="width: 83%">  

{assign var=black value=[0,0,0]}{assign var=white value=[255,255,255]}

{assign var=stuff value=['position'=>'S', 'border'=>false, 'padding'=>4, 'fgcolor'=>$black, 'bgcolor'=>$white, 'text'=>false, 'font'=>'helvetica', 'fontsize'=>8, 'stretchtext'=>4]}

{assign var=params value=TCPDF::serializeTCPDFtagParameters(array($order->getUniqReference(), 'C39', '', '', 40, 15, 0.4, $stuff, 'N'))} <tcpdf method="write1DBarcode" params="{$params}" />   </td> </tr>


where getUniqReference() is the data generated (order reference) 

i tried $address->phone or phone_mobile it doesn't work





Anyone can help !!




Hello Friends,

i'm using this code below to generate some data to a barcode in invoice.tpl  using TCPDF method "write1DBarcode" and it works perfectly, but i want the phone number to be in the barcode and i don't know how to call it :


<td style="width: 17%"></td>

<td style="width: 83%">  

{assign var=black value=[0,0,0]}{assign var=white value=[255,255,255]}

{assign var=stuff value=['position'=>'S', 'border'=>false, 'padding'=>4, 'fgcolor'=>$black, 'bgcolor'=>$white, 'text'=>false, 'font'=>'helvetica', 'fontsize'=>8, 'stretchtext'=>4]}

{assign var=params value=TCPDF::serializeTCPDFtagParameters(array($order->getUniqReference(), 'C39', '', '', 40, 15, 0.4, $stuff, 'N'))} <tcpdf method="write1DBarcode" params="{$params}" />   </td> </tr>


where getUniqReference() is the data generated (order reference) 

i tried $address->phone or phone_mobile it doesn't work





Anyone can help !!


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