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What is the use of the data in ps_connections_source ? Is it fine to empty the table ?


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I'm dealing with a website, running 1.6x that has some quite large tables

ps_connections_source : 2,1 Go
ps_connections      : 840 Mo
ps_guest            : 571 Mo
ps_sekeyword        : 120 Mo
ps_cart             : 16 Mo
ps_customer         : 10 Mo
ps_mail             : 9 Mo
  etc ....

My question is what is the need of the 3 or 4 largest tables

connections_source, connections, guest and sekeyword

Is it ok to truncate them from phpmyadmin ?

And concerning the largest one, connections_source, where in the store's backoffice is the data of that table displayed ?
I looked on the stats page, but couldn't find the data stored on this table.

When looking into it on the database, it contains several thousands of seemingly useless data with this sort of entries (+ the date and id_connections_source,  id_connections )

http_referer :

request_uri :

Thanks for the help

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This two table keep track from where your visitor comes, which browsers they are using etc.  You need to  clean up this table regularly to keep your database clean and site fast.

Bellow is show you screen shot from my pc




There are several free or paid module you will find to clean up the database. Which clean other unused table like abandon cart etc.

Hope you understand.

Thank you

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