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Help required to remove side menu from home page


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You must find ./themes/your theme/templates/layout/*. tpl according to the template.

If you hide the left block with this example, you must enlarge the other blocks.
It's hard to advise on any foreign look template.

{if $page.page_name == 'index'}<div id="left-column" class="sidebar col-xs-12 col-lg-3" style="display:none;">{/if}


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i found a file called *themename*-left-column.tpl and code is given below.


{extends file='layouts/layout-both-columns.tpl'}
{block name='left_column'}{/block}
{block name='right_column'}{/block}
{block name='content_wrapper'}
<div id="content-wrapper" class="right-column col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-9 pull-right">
	{block name='content'}
	  <p>Hello world! This is HTML5 Boilerplate.</p>
<div id="dor-left-column" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3 pull-left">
	{capture name='displayDorLeftColumn'}{hook h='displayDorLeftColumn'}{/capture}
    {if $smarty.capture.displayDorLeftColumn}
      <div class="dorLeftColumn clearfix">
            {$smarty.capture.displayDorLeftColumn nofilter}
{if $page.page_name == 'product'}
	{block name='product_footer'}
		<div class="dor-before-product clearfix">
		  {hook h='displayFooterProduct' product=$product category=$category}
		  {hook h='dorRelatedProductByBrand' product=$product category=$category}


Screen Shot 2020-12-17 at 1.52.24 PM.png

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