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Prestashop 1.7.6 Issue with Order.php


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When store is in Debug Mode ON i get an error when try to access Order history form user panel.



Code in the Oder.php is:

        foreach ($res as $key => $val) {
            $res[$key]['order_state'] = $indexedOrderStates[$val['id_order_state']]['name'];
            $res[$key]['invoice'] = $indexedOrderStates[$val['id_order_state']]['invoice'];
            $res[$key]['order_state_color'] = $indexedOrderStates[$val['id_order_state']]['color'];

When i turn off the debug mode i can list orders but when i click "Order details" i get the page with no data about the order and no errors.


HistoryController.php line 72

        $customer_orders = Order::getCustomerOrders($this->context->customer->id);

HistoryController.php line 55

$orders = $this->getTemplateVarOrders();

in Controller.php line 292

			if ($this->viewAccess()) {
292:            $this->initContent();
            } else {
                $this->errors[] = $this->trans('Access denied.', array(), 'Admin.Notifications.Error');

in Dispatcher.php line 515

	if (isset($params_hook_action_dispatcher)) {
                Hook::exec('actionDispatcher', $params_hook_action_dispatcher);


Edited by Alien(PL) (see edit history)
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In debug mode you get an error message for any notice that may be there in the code, so this may not be very much related, a notice is not even a warning.

If you get a blank page when viewing orders I would suggest to check:

1. error logs on the server

2. any modules that may be attached to order - related hooks.

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