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presta 1.7.7 Specific prices ERROR


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I have a problem With my prestashop 1.7.7, on specifc prices Th correct date is YYYY-MM-DD, but after I select the "from" and "to" date, they turn automatic  for DD/MM/YYYY, and give an error "The from/to date is invalid."

I try to chnge in locations/country, in traslations, etc. and give allways the error.

Maybe If change the file for date picker it fix, but I can't find it.

Can some one help?

Screenshot 2020-12-13 00.25.44.png

Screenshot 2020-12-13 00.26.26.png

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2 hours ago, ClassyDevs said:



I have tried your option and it show success https://pscreenshot.com/i/x1LH15. will you please check your page console via chrome developer extension any other php related error comes , which break the json succes message


Thank you

Hi, thanks for your replay.

My date picker is difrent, I don't have 3th part modules instaled... Have some way to change this page manualy?

I'm gonna check via chrome console.

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6 hours ago, ClassyDevs said:

Hello, it is fresh PrestaShop installation.

Can you give me some information to check in my PC

What is you PHP version,

What is you ps default language?

Which language you have install. 

I will try to reproduce in my version to check it exits or not


Thank you 


This a fresh install via cPanel*, php is 7,3, default language is portuguese pt.

* I think the problem is the version of prestashop on cPanel, I have in other site the prestashop ver 1.7.5 and the date picker is difrent. I gonna take a printscreen for you see. (Thanks)

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On 12/13/2020 at 2:30 PM, ClassyDevs said:

Hello, it is fresh PrestaShop installation.

Can you give me some information to check in my PC

What is you PHP version,

What is you ps default language?

Which language you have install. 

I will try to reproduce in my version to check it exits or not


Thank you 

Theres another user with same problem in Github, and the datepicker is the same, but ins't correct.

I have instaled via softaculus in Cpanel, mybe this version have major bugs.

See the attached image please.

Captura de tela 2020-12-14 17.04.07.png

Edited by kalu (see edit history)
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