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BO white page error


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Having failed with updating to, I thought to start with a clean slate. I have six times tried to develop a new site in a fresh, but every time I have lost back office and only have a white space. No error, just nothing showing. In case this was linked with a theme or module or something, my last try was with a clean install and just moving around, changing some of the settings (like changing preferences to not display brands or whatever; built-in options to change). But then, white page. Front end still works, but I have no way into BO.

Is anyone else having this sort of problem? Searches suggest this is something that was solved many versions ago, but I'm getting it with clean installations. Ideas to avoid, cure, fix, resurrect? Six sites and a lot of time now ...

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Important information for us are the PHP version, memory_limit, max_execution_time, if there are any overwrites in the ./override folder and also take a screenshot of a blank page (if you log in to the administration).
On FTP in the ./config/defines.inc.php file, turn on debug mode by changing false to true.

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It happened to me, same scenario, I had to make a fresh installation, and when I tried to use same old database, the menu in the BO went blank, I had to migrate only essential tables, Products, Stocks, customers, etc. I think I located the issue in table Stocks_mvt_lang, but I don't remember quite well. Another way it worked for me, but not for the theme I was using was to use the module onclick upgrade, I managed to make the upgrade, but the theme didn't look good, so I decided to make the fresh installation


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Thanks for the note. PHP is 7.3.

The /override folder has folders for classes, controllers and modules. Classes has lots of subfolders. All folders contain an index.php but no other files

Trying to log into BO just gets a white page. Literally. No error, nothing, nothing at all to show in a screenshot other than white. However, I noticed that the address has lost the code/key whatever it is called after the admin directory name.

I don't know how to find the php memory limit etc; I tried to find out and the suggestion was these are in a php.ini file, but I don't see one to check. It isn't in the root.

Turning on debug (with xxxxx inserted for the path):


The autoloader expected class "PrestaShopBundle\Controller\Admin\Sell\index" to be defined in file "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/vendor/composer/../../src/PrestaShopBundle/Controller/Admin/Sell/index.php". The file was found but the class was not in it, the class name or namespace probably has a typo.

in ClassExistenceResource.php line 72

at ClassExistenceResource->isFresh(0)in ContainerBuilder.php line 371

at ContainerBuilder->getReflectionClass('PrestaShopBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Sell\\index')in RegisterControllerArgumentLocatorsPass.php line 67

at RegisterControllerArgumentLocatorsPass->process(object(ContainerBuilder))in Compiler.php line 140

at Compiler->compile(object(ContainerBuilder))in ContainerBuilder.php line 789

at ContainerBuilder->compile()in Kernel.php line 643

at Kernel->initializeContainer()in Kernel.php line 135

at Kernel->boot()in Kernel.php line 195

at Kernel->handle(object(Request), 1, false)in index.php line 82


Which I'm afraid is beyond me to understand what to do with ... I sincerely thank you for your help.


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Thanks .. I've tried to change folder names on non-native modules in the current build (which is a restore from an older version), in the assumption that this would take them out of the running, but nothing has changed (still no access, just a white screen when refreshed after clearing /var and browser cache).

It seems that even a clean install fails and an upgrade from an existing, running site also fails with multiple errors. It feels like nowhere to go now, with the php in 1.7.6 no longer being supported and my isp requiring a change. The theme I have is supposed to be correct for, but in any case this white page has triggered with a clean install and only the classic theme present.

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20 hours ago, Ana Maria Sierra said:

It happened to me, same scenario, I had to make a fresh installation, and when I tried to use same old database, the menu in the BO went blank, I had to migrate only essential tables, Products, Stocks, customers, etc. I think I located the issue in table Stocks_mvt_lang, but I don't remember quite well. Another way it worked for me, but not for the theme I was using was to use the module onclick upgrade, I managed to make the upgrade, but the theme didn't look good, so I decided to make the fresh installation


I have the same problem with the menu in the BO. What did you do to solve it exactly?

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8 hours ago, 2SurvivalGuys said:

thats the same problem we have , don`t get a white page but an Error500

and exact same error in debug

i opened a Intervention ticket with prestashop over 48 hours ago... they still did nothing on it... 😠


There were many mistakes.
The biggest bugs include modules for page acceleration, bad coding of tables in the database and many others.
We did it for more than 7 hours, but everything works successfully on Prestashop and PHP 7.3.

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I must report on findings for my BO white page. I think a number of things are likely linked with this.

With the suggestion that this was a module-related cause, I went through a period of installing a clean Prestashop and ensuring it was stable by making small changes without a white page. Then adding a module, all of which have proved to be stable and good from good companies, one at a time, then trying things out. I did not then add another module, but wiped it all out and started again with another clean install and a new module, thus trying to determine if two were interfering with each other or not.

I found the module, a respected company product (the module was current) and they have worked hard to locate the bug and correct it (if I understand correctly, they found a bug in Symphony and corrected their module to take it into account). I am unwilling to publicly name them (even after literally hundreds of hours given over to this) after the way they responded and tested and worked with me, and that they have released a new module version and are working for the community in this manner. I also suspect this faulty module, which was fine in, is the reason why my attempted upgrade to was failing.

In short, check modules are up to date if you have a white BO - this could be the reason.

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  • 11 months later...
On 12/15/2020 at 11:35 AM, CJH said:

I must report on findings for my BO white page. I think a number of things are likely linked with this.

With the suggestion that this was a module-related cause, I went through a period of installing a clean Prestashop and ensuring it was stable by making small changes without a white page. Then adding a module, all of which have proved to be stable and good from good companies, one at a time, then trying things out. I did not then add another module, but wiped it all out and started again with another clean install and a new module, thus trying to determine if two were interfering with each other or not.

I found the module, a respected company product (the module was current) and they have worked hard to locate the bug and correct it (if I understand correctly, they found a bug in Symphony and corrected their module to take it into account). I am unwilling to publicly name them (even after literally hundreds of hours given over to this) after the way they responded and tested and worked with me, and that they have released a new module version and are working for the community in this manner. I also suspect this faulty module, which was fine in, is the reason why my attempted upgrade to was failing.

In short, check modules are up to date if you have a white BO - this could be the reason.

can you please share with me the name of the module? i do have the same problem and same error message:
(1/1) ReflectionException

The autoloader expected class "PrestaShopBundle\Controller\Admin\Sell\index" to be defined in file "/var/www/vhosts/hosting136364.a2e43.netcup.net/httpdocs/prestashop/vendor/composer/../../src/PrestaShopBundle/Controller/Admin/Sell/index.php". The file was found but the class was not in it, the class name or namespace probably has a typo.

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