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How to keep old prestashop site and data

Simon Lee

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I have a currently running prestashop site e.g. abc.com hosted in Godaddy.com. I have created a new prestashop site hosted in Vultr.com. 

I would like to switch my domain abc.com to point to the new prestashop hosted in Vultr.com.

In the meantime, I still want to refer to some old data in the current prestashop running in Godaddy.com. How can I do this?

I have registered a new domain abc.site and want to point my current prestashop to this domain, so that when I type abc.site, the current prestashop will be launched. And when I type abc.com, the new prestashop will be launched. 

I tried setting the DNS of abc.site to the ip address of the current prestashop but that does not work since the current domain has a SSL certificate under abc.com installed with it.

I have created a SSL certificate with Let's Encrypt for abc.site. Can I just replace the SSL certificate installed in abc.com with abc.site and it should work? Which files/folder do I need to change? Anything I need to change in prestashop too?

Please advise.


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