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Everytime I preview or save a product, I receive out-of-stock email alerts. - Prestashop


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When I press on preview of a product in BO, I get sent multiple out of stock emails alerts.

I'm out of ideas as to why this happens. I had to turn off the out of stock alerts from the emailalerts module.

Any suggestion on how to solve this is appreciated, 

Thank you.



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Hi! I have the same problem. Thanks @hildenfor the info where to configure the alerts, but there is no such settings that would solve the issue. It seems that Presta got it wrong and didn't think of this situation. The alert should be sent only when product goes out of stock, due to our settings. But instead, it sends the e-mail every time there is any change in the product.

It's obviously about how the code is set to recognize whether something went out of stock. It should not be any change that triggers the alert, it should be only change in the amount of products in stock that should trigger the alert. It's not written well.

So since I have zero products in stock and I edit the product info, the shop thinks the product went out of stock. No, it did not go out of stock, it already was out of stock. Sending e-mail alert every time there is slight update in the product is wrong.

Any suggestion how to solve it? I am not coder but if someone tells me what to change in the code, maybe I could do it or ask a coder to do it for me. ...In principle, this is something Presta team should correct, it's their mistake.

UPDATE: I forgot to mention that if the product has 1000 variants, the system sends out 1000 e-mails! That's really annoying. And I found out from other users that the issue happens even if you delete the product!

Here I found discussion thread about the issue:

Edited by serafim (see edit history)
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