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deleting products through database


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I have a weird question : what would happened if I delete products from the database ps_products directly ?

My issue is this : for a stupid reason, we have a shitload  (talking about 39868 products, yeah that's a lot) of products I want to delete. Problem is that a clean php script won't run a massive deletion using the Product's class delete function because it's waaaaay to long. I'm receiving getaway timeout everytime I try.

Theses products can be deleted (they are not in any cart, nor ordered, they're just here, visible only in the backoffice), it's not a problem.

My question is : what if I delete all of them using phpmyadmin ? What would happened ?

Thank you !

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The products are not only in the ps_product table, but in the other 8 tables.
And what about the pictures? Will you also remove it manually?
You can program a script that, for example, deletes 5 products per batch and then runs again repeatedly until all products have been deleted.

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Sorry @Guest I forgot to answer you. Thanks for he information. I know that the products are in many different tables, the question is : will the site brake if I do this or it will just have some informations that are not needed since the concerned products won't be in the main table ?

But yes, I agree with you, the real solution would be to delete per batches. Problem is, I tried to delete some products, the condition if(delete()) worked but if I run the script again I can still find them in the database and delete them, meaning the scrip will be in a loop deleting the same 5 all products at every run. Meaning it didn't delete them (probably because some of their informations have already been deleted previously). The website is a mess but can't reset everything now.

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This is exactly the case when you do not have to reach into the database and change anything there.

How can we advise you if we do not see in which table the products are deleted and in which table the products still exist?
Where is your SQL query that you used, or where is your entire PHP code that you used to remove the products?
If you don't put all the information here, we can't advise you, because there are many solutions.

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I need to find out from the ps_product table which products exist there and do not exist in the ps_product_shop table:

SELECT a.`id_product` FROM `ps_product` a WHERE a.`id_product` NOT IN (SELECT b.`id_product` FROM `ps_product_shop` b) GROUP BY a.`id_product`;


I need to find out from the ps_product_shop table which products exist there and do not exist in the ps_product table:

SELECT a.`id_product` FROM `ps_product_shop` a WHERE a.`id_product` NOT IN (SELECT b.`id_product` FROM `ps_product` b) GROUP BY a.`id_product`;

One or the other query will give you a list of product ids that are not removed correctly!

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Thank you @4you.software ! I'll have a look at these queries, they seem quite useful. 

The SQL I was using was just a query to list products with specific manufacturer since it's how these products (the ones I wanted to delete) can be listed. Once they are listed, I was using the product class function delete() (which seems to work since I verify it with a condition) but as I said, it didn't really work, there were still existing in the ps_product tab. Maybe because they have been wrongly deleted before.

I'll have a look at your queries and will run a script that will delete by batches. Thanks a lot !

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