if it helps I have version of prestashop; I tried to change the PHP version from 7.0, 7.1, then 7.2 and finally 7.3 but the error is always there, also with version 7.0 and 7.1 I only have the strip_tags error, with the other major the errors increase :
Quote07-Dec-2020 09:53:46 Europe / Rome] PHP Warning: strip_tags () expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in / public_html / var / cache / prod / smarty / compile / layouts_layout_left_column_tpl / e4 / a6 / e4 /e4a6e4da19d223aa3b6bdbb3d5cf6724c397cddb_2.file.products.tpl.php on line 298
[07-Dec-2020 09:53:46 Europe / Rome] PHP Warning: count (): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in / public_html / var / cache / prod / smarty / compile / 4a / d7 /88/4ad78810e4bbafe830ada45935ec22a58a70bfe2_2.file.blockwishlist_button.tpl.php on line 24