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ok i found one that i liked. Its called a XML Banner Rotator. It seems to use the index.html to call on the xml and all that to make it work. How do i get it to show up in the area where the homepage_logo.jpg is from the editorial? I tried to replace homepage_logo.jpg with index.html hoping that it would just call on it to load the whole thing but that didnt seem to work.


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on my webpage www.aquatic-refuge.com in the center, where you see the img with all the free stuff on it, thats what i need to change to a flash banner rotator and that image is being pulled by the editorial module.

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I think i'll just have to place this code in place of the editorial to get my image since there doesnt seem to be anyone online that can help. I'm going to try to put it in place of the homepage_logo.jpg and see if it will call on it. I'll just have to get rid of anything related to the homepage_logo in the editorial module i think.


XML Banner Rotator screenshot[removed]
             /* <![CDATA[ */
             function initProduct(){
             var pathToFile = '/files/233_e0906_416b717e7dae5a0126e743449dd61de0/deploy/'; // PARAMS
var params = {};
params.bgcolor = "#FFFFFF";
params.menu = "false";
//params.scale = 'noScale';
//params.wmode = "opaque";
params. wmode = "transparent";
params.allowfullscreen = "true";
//params.allowScriptAccess = "always";

var attributes = {};
attributes.id = 'FlabellComponent';
attributes.name = 'FlabellComponent'

// cache buster
var cacheBuster = Date.parse(new Date());            

// stage dimensions
var stageW = 560;
var stageH = 374; 

/** FLASH VARS **/
var flashvars = {};

// component dimensions inside the SWF file
flashvars.componentWidth = stageW;
flashvars.componentHeight = stageH;

// path to files (can be "")
flashvars.pathToFiles = pathToFile + "banner/";

// path to content XML
flashvars.xmlPath = "xml/banner.xml";

/** EMBED THE SWF**/        
swfobject.embedSWF(pathToFile + 'preview.swf', 'FlabellComponent', stageW, stageH, '9.0.45', 'js/expressinstall.swf', flashvars, params, attributes);

             /* ]]> */[removed] 
 <!--end main product area-->

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