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Changing the name "Categories"

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Maybe this question is stupid, but...

is there a way to change the name "Categories" that appears on top of the category list?
Like , if someone wants to call it Collections or something else.


Sure there is. Find the following--

then edit line 29 and simply change 'Categories' to whatever you want it to say.

Marty Shue
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Thanks, that's what I originally did, and the customization is still there, but it looks like there's another file overriding this one.
I'm using Matrice theme by 2link and indeed, it's got its own module folder. Unfortunately, no blockcategories.tpl in there :(

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Sorry can't help much more I'm a novice and followed a post for the same objective.
For what its worth take a look here http://www.justdogwalking.co.uk/
I changed catagories to "shop catagories" and its been pretty stable.

I had to go through this myself. However, even after getting the things done on the front end I was not able to change the URL. For e.g I renamed my " MANUFACTURER " to " BRANDS " but when you click on it it shows http://www.12345/manufacturer.php . However, it should be brands.php. I am not sure how to do this. If you find out then please do let me know.
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  • 2 months later...


I changed the name of categories in Translations successfully but its too long for the menu, now I cant change it back, I have tried re-uploading the translations file with no success – the custom category name has been deleted but its not changing back…also tried editing blockcategories.tpl with no success again…simply cannot change the category name whatever I do.

The only thing I can think of at this stage is to do a complete reinstall :(


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  • 5 months later...

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