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Changes not saved Prestashop new installation


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I just install Prestashop 

I am trying to change the shop preferences, but the changes are not saved despite I receive the message "Susccesful update."

Same occurs if I try to change the "Custom maintenance text" , it says "Successful update." but nothing is saved.

What may happen?

Thank you,

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi, @JBW i have version and my product will not save only will a lot of combinations involved. A product with very little combinations will save fine. 

My PHP version is now 7.2 the only extension i do not have is curl and openSSL

What may be causing this issue? 
Id appreciate any help

Thank you 

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Every combination is saved by it's own XHR request to the server. If you have a lot of combinations your server might be overloaded or timing out due to this, you can monitor the requests in your browser console.

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