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Hi, I have a problem with Product Combinations that have more than one attribute (i.e. size and color).


My product is a shirt, and it has 4 possible combinations:

- white S

- white M

- black S

- black M

Default combination is white S.

2 combinations are out of stock - white M and black S.

When i land on the product page, white S is selected.

I have two lists of attributes - size and color.

On the size list, there are two options - S and M.

On the color list, there is only one - white (I have one black M shirt in stock though, but it doesn't matter)

The problem is that when I try to change the size to M, it doesn't work - it keeps reverting me to default combination, white S.

I think that the problem is that Presta checks combination availability right after selecting an option - so when I try to change white S to black M, I have to change the size first - so after selecting the "M" option, Presta checks if there is white M available (because color is still white) - white M is out of stock, so Presta reverts user to default available combination, white S.

So, I have black M on stock, but user can't add it to cart.

Maybe it's a little bit complicated, and screenshots wouldn't explain much - here are two examples:



Here you can change from Silver M to Brown L, but you can't revert it - every time you try to select M, Presta keeps reverting to L



You can't change to size VS from default combination - because there aren't navy ('granatowy') VS's on stock.

In order to get VS size, you have to select DRE size first - then select green ('zielony'), then choose size VS - because we have green VS on stock :)


I'll be very glad for your help - I've tried everything, but still don't have any idea what's going on.

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