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extended dropdown breadcrumb

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Hi guys,

first let me thank you all for the great work you are doing with this amazing platform.

I'm new to prestashop and I know close to zero about coding...

I'm developing a custom theme for my website in which I'm trying to have an extended dropdown breadcrumb like this one and I found this free JQuery script that looks promising.

This is the code I come up with so far but I'm stuck on how to call the categories tree and link it with the path.

><!-- Breadcrumb -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{$content_dir}css/xbreadcrumbs.css" />


{l s='Home'}
         {if $path}{$navigationPipe|escape:html:'UTF-8'}{if !$path|strpos:'span'}{$path}{else}{$path}{/if}{/if}

<br>{literal}<br>[removed]<br>var $bread = jQuery.noConflict();<br>    $bread(document).ready(function(){<br>         $bread('#breadcrumbs').xBreadcrumbs();<br>    });<br>[removed]<br>{/literal}<br><!-- /Breadcrumb 

thanks a million guys.

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