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Multiple image import with csv not working

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I'm using prestashop and I'm trying to import my products using a csv file. Each of my products have one or more images and only those products with only one image are loaded correctly. I have tried to leave only 1 image per product and every image is loaded correctly so my conclusion is that there is a problem with the value separator.

I've been investigating on previous posts and I've tried many different separators, even §, but none of them work. I don't use any space between elements in the column of the URL.

The images are correctly uploaded on the server because when I use only one image all of them are visible.

An example for the URL field of one product (three images separated by §):


Does anyone know a solution for this?

Thanks in advance

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Hi @pererumbo

You need to separate the products URL's by placing a ',' in between them like
http://anabelkis.es/fotosWebPorArticulo/AnillosSub/1/IMG3373.jpg, http://anabelkis.es/fotosWebPorArticulo/AnillosSub/1/IMG3372.jpg, http://anabelkis.es/fotosWebPorArticulo/AnillosSub/1/IMG3371.jpg

and it should work.

In case of any issue please do share your CSV file and I will look into and fix it for you!

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Hi Tanver,

Thanks for your answer. Separating the urls by commas was my first attempt but it didn’t work.

After many trials I discovered the issue. My images are 5000x3000 pixels and it seems that the server was overloaded when uploading a lot of products. Actually I realized that the maximum limit for my server (initial plan) are 3 products (with 3-4 images each). 

Given that I need to upload +500 products, I have uploded all the products via csv without images and I wrote a Python code to upload the images using the API so the problem is solved now.

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Hi @pererumbo,

I am just done with a similar project and do know how to do that first thing you need to do is to upload the images to the 'upload' folder, separate the multiple image files with a ', ' [coma] separater.

You should leave the 'ID' field empty, not required but helpful. and do run your imports the order as being suggested below
1. Import Categories
2. Import Products and 
3. Import Combinations

It should work!

Edited by Tanver (see edit history)
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  • 3 years later...
  On 11/21/2020 at 3:13 PM, tanmalik786 said:

Hi @pererumbo,

I am just done with a similar project and do know how to do that first thing you need to do is to upload the images to the 'upload' folder, separate the multiple image files with a ', ' [coma] separater.

You should leave the 'ID' field empty, not required but helpful. and do run your imports the order as being suggested below
1. Import Categories
2. Import Products and 
3. Import Combinations

It should work!


Would you please help me out with this issue? I am trying to upload csv file and ignored the most of the fields but still all fields ignored by Prestashop 1,6.. Also how I can upload all the photos that are in separate columns? Because when you choose 2 the same option the system won't allow it..

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