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Category Pages Lost Columns


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Hi all,

At some point my category pages began displaying only 1 column of products. It makes for very ugly browsing. I've compared older backup TPL files and cannot find any differences. I looked there because I was modifying code to add google tags not long ago. Basically if a category has 12 products, it will display 1 product per row vertically. Help!

This only seems to affect the category pages. The "Popular Products" widget works fine. (pictured as well)

Site is located at https://www.kb-3d.com

Pictures attached. I've also attached my related TPL files. At least the ones I know of.



Thank you!



product.tplFetching info... product.tplFetching info...

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Hi Musicmaster,


Sorry for the lack of clarification. The two product TPL's I have uploaded are not the before and after files. One is from the miniatures folder and one is from the standard location. I upload both as I am personally unsure which one may affect the display issues I'm having.


Thanks for the help,



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