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Product details


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In the  front shop product page there is a  'Product details' tab, but all it does is tell customers about products in the same category. Can anyone tell me how that's particy=ularly helpful to customers or is there some way yo change this automated response and actually put some details in about the  specific product? 

I am totally confused by this!

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What you see in the front is not a product detail, but a Products module in the same category.

In the product administration, take a good look just below the pictures.

There is a text box and it has two tabs.

One is for a short description and the other is for a detailed description

Edited by Guest (see edit history)
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Under decription is also a tab 'product details (in the front shop) The description and short description come out fine but the 'product details' when clicked just brings up a list of items n the same category. THat's what Im talking about. I now about the short description and the full description. Its the 'product details' which is the mystery. At the moment it's worse than useles but I can't even find a way to disable it.



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And I tell you, he won't pass.
If you make a block in full width, you will see that there is still a related product and also products in the same category.

1. open ./themes/classic/templates/catalog/product.tpl

2. find

{block name='product_tabs'}

3. add before

<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">

4. save

5. recompile template

6. result


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