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CSV Import Features for second language


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first of all, sorry in advance for my poor english :)

My website have two languages English (default) and Italian, when I import a products csv  file for the english is all ok.

But when I import a products csv file for the italian language I've a problem with the features translation.

I've tried differents method but the result is the same, the features of every single product or are duplicate (english and italian) or not they receive the italian translations.

I know that there are modules for importing but I prefer to find a solution.

I hope I was clear.

Thanks in advance for your help!

The following lines are an extract of csv line of the same product.

Eng csv

Material:celluloid:1:0,Trim:yellow gold plated:2:0,Filling System:double reservoir power filler:3:0,Pieces Produced:80:4:0,Year:2010:5:0

Ita csv

Materiale:celluloide:1:0,Finiture:placcate oro:2:0,Caricamento:doppio serbatoio power filler:3:0,Pezzi Prodotti:80:4:0,Anno:2010:5:0


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