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Index homepage for SEO, seachengines? ( Easy question for the pro)

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what counts is that you use your keywords in your products titles, anchor text (links).

So if you wanted to optimise for the phases "Apples" or "Green Apples" you need to include this.

Meta keywords have limited value these days, but keywords in your meta title and meta description (as well as copy, headings and links) are key to the search engines, so they understand your page.

Returning to your question, I dont think it would make to much difference having green, red or blue Apple v Green apple, red apple etc on your page. Search engines could think you are actually spamming if your repeating words to much and repeating apple makes it harder for your visitor to read

Of course, this is only part of what you need to consider for a well optimized website, quality inbound links also has a big impact.

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