Ahh ok, thats simple. Do following. Go to public_html -> localization -> CLDR -> core -> common -> main -> open language.xml.
Go to
<currency type="USD">
<displayName>US Dollar</displayName>
<displayName count="one">US dollar</displayName>
<displayName count="other">US dollars</displayName>
Change the Symbol above
then go to and change the decimal symbol and the pattern to whatever you want.
<symbols numberSystem="latn">
<decimalFormats numberSystem="latn">
<currencyFormats numberSystem="latn">
<currencyFormat type="standard">
<pattern>¤ #,##0.00</pattern>
<currencyFormat type="accounting">
<pattern>¤ #,##0.00</pattern>
dont forget to clear you cache after done.