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List for orders with a specific voucher / coupon code


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I would like to have an CSV list to see all order which used a specific coupon/voucher.
I found this SQL down there in an old topic.. But it's not working correctly.


The sql codes table shows all used vouchers in one list, sorted by firstname

I only need "date | order-number | voucher | order amount" as collums. And it would be great if I can enter a manual voucher code inside the SQL.


Could may someone help me out here? :)

Thank you very much! I think its also interesting for other users.


`dbname`.`ps_order_cart_rule`.`name` ,  `dbname`.`ps_customer`.`firstname` ,  `dbname`.`ps_customer`.`lastname` ,  `dbname`.`ps_customer`.`email` 

FROM  `dbname`.`ps_order_cart_rule` 

LEFT OUTER JOIN  `dbname`.`ps_orders` ON  `dbname`.`ps_order_cart_rule`.`id_order` =  `dbname`.`ps_orders`.`id_order` 

LEFT OUTER JOIN  `dbname`.`ps_customer` ON  `dbname`.`ps_customer`.`id_customer` =  `dbname`.`ps_orders`.`id_customer` 

ORDER BY  `dbname`.`ps_customer`.`firstname`;
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