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[Build] PrestaShop RC1 Is Ready To Be Tested!


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We are really happy to announce that we are very close to finishing the release, the release candidate is the last step before the final version is out. RC1 is available!

This release candidate aims at making sure that all major regressions found during the beta have been fixed, and that no new ones have been spotted. If no new critical or major regression is reported by November 17th, we will make the final version of available.

Please note that it is not currently possible to perform an automatic upgrade from the Beta to the Release Candidate.

Furthermore, it will not be possible to upgrade from this Release Candidate to the final release. If you perform an update of your test store to the RC version, you will need to rollback to your current version before being able to upgrade to the final

Please download, install and test this new version of PrestaShop and give us your feedback as early as possible. The later a problem is identified, the more time it takes to be fixed, and this delays the final release.

If you find regressions compared to the 1.7.6 version, please open an issue and describe it on Github so that it can be reproduced and fixed as soon as possible.

Remember, this release candidate version is pre release software. Do not use it on your production shop!

Notable changes since the Beta 2 release

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For developers


151 pull requests have been merged since the beta 2 release and 30+ issues have been fixed. Read the Changelog for details. This brings us to more than 1400 merged pull requests for the milestone, it is definitely our biggest yet.

If you are looking for more details about all changes and new features expected in 1.7.7, the 1.7.7 beta version release note is the perfect article for you to read!

Automated Tests

The 1.7.7 version is by far the most tested version ever released by PrestaShop, this ensures its stability and prevents future regressions that could be created by future developments. Here are some numbers about PrestaShop’s automatic tests (and the difference with our previous minor release, 1.7.6):

  • UI tests (sanity + functional): 4307 (whole new campaigns)
  • Integration: 55 tests (+3)
  • Behavior: 518 scenarios, 8838 steps (+297 scenarios, +6133 steps)
  • Unit: 1998 tests (+31)

The UI tests, especially, have been completely redesigned. If you want more information about this please read these two articles:

Known issues

The following issues are not considered edge cases and won’t block the release of a stable version. They will be fixed in the next patch version.

Order back-office

Back Office

Front Office


You can download PrestaShop 1.7.7 RC1 here:

Download PrestaShop 1.7.7 RC1 now!

How to help finish the 1.7.7

Your feedback on this RC is essential, the regressions you find right now are as many bugs less on the final version and less patch versions. It also means fewer problems on your (or your customer’s) online store.

You must:

If everything is working well, feel free to comment on this article to tell us, and share on social networks, we also need this kind of feedback! ;-)


A huge thanks to everyone who got involved by reporting, testing and fixing regressions during the first beta phase. Internal and external contributors who submitted pull requests and participated to build this release candidate: PululuK, okom3pom, ks129, Boubker Bribri, Franck Lefèvre, Ibrahima Sow, Jonathan Lelievre, Mathieu Ferment, Matthieu Rolland, Nesrine Abdmouleh, Pablo Borowicz, Pierre Rambaud, Simon Garny, Stephane Decisy, Thomas Baccelli and Valentin Szczupak. Thank you!

External contributors who reported regressions to build a more stable 1.7.7: ks129, okom3pom, MathiasReker and PrestaShop’s maintainer: kpodemski. Thank you!

Like them, please test this release candidate and give us your feedback!

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