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Change the textures colors path on products pages

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I'm trying to change the path of the textures colors pictures on the products pages (cf picture in attachment) but I can't find how to do it.
In Prestashop, the textures pictures for color variations are in attributes and characteristics but I want to search it directly in variations (cf second picture in attachment).

If you can tell me how I can do it I will be very grateful :)
Thank you in advance !



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There is no problem...
I just want to change the pictures path......
As I said the textures pictures for color variations are in attributes and characteristics but I want to search it directly in variations.
I'm just trying to find some help.

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Do you see the pencil icon on the far right of each row in the variations table?
Click on this icon to see a detail of one variant.
When you see the detail, look all the way down. There are pictures. Click on the image to mark it for the selected variant.

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