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Order taking for B2B?


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Order taking for B2B

Is there a preferred method or is it even possible to set Prestashop to just take orders from current customers that are then sent to us as emails we then complete ourselves ?

No payment options or delivery options are required as this is already established between us and our customers. 

I now see the term B2B being used.

I saw a review of B2B ecommerce software and Prestashop was included.
Can it work in such a way or is Prestashop really a system for 


Edited by ClaudeConnor (see edit history)
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Those are a lot of questions:

 - for a b2b mode where only established customers can see price and make orders you need to buy a module. They work with customer groups with different rights

 - If you only have one carrier you don't have to do nothing on that area. And you can call it something bland like "agreed transport".

 - Something similar applies to payment. With the bankwire option you leave open when there will be paid.

 - sending order only by mail is as far as I know not possible. But neither do I see a need for it.

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