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PS 1.7 How to hide or block goods with a price of 0.00?


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Hi there,
I've seen tutorials for older versions that add "if". If price 0.00 hide the product in the list or hide the "add to cart" icon.
I would be grateful for any tips or links on how to do this in PS 1.7.6

I download large amounts of products, from time to time I find a few where the price is empty (0.00) Sometimes it will escape my attention, but not customers attention, and I have to somehow protect myself against it. I need a purchase lock for 0.00

I was looking for but no results :(

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do you mind using third-party tools? 

When using Store Manager for PrestaShop, there's a possibility to use the expression to disable such products, or you can quickly filter them by price after they are imported and massively disable them.

The software has trial version, so you can check how it works completely free.

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I put in the forum a mini module that banned products when the number is zero or negative.
A small adjustment would work at zero price.
Just put a hookactionProductUpdate and a condition into the module.
It's nothing complicated.
Unfortunately, searching the PrestaShop forum is not perfect, so it is practically impossible to find anything.
It would be wise to add a condition to your import script that it does not import zero-priced products.

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