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Table Misalignment on Order Confirmation Email Prestashop


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Dear Developer 's Prestashop

        I use Prestashop Ver. My website is two language (EN & TH). I try to buy something to test the all process. Everything look good only the Order confirmation email. It display is misalignment. But the misalignment occur only when I choose to order on TH site as you can't see in the first picture. If I choose the order on EN site. The display of order confirmation email is perfect as you can see in the second picture. I try to copy the /mails/en/order_conf.html to replace in /mails/th/ . But I still be the same(table misalignment). I think it isn't a translation problem.  Could someone guide me to solve this problem? Please......

2020-10-19 (1).png

2020-10-19 (2).png

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