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Add to cart and price not showing on the product detail


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Hello folks,

I'm stuck since months seeking for a solution about displaying the add to cart / showing price on my product detail,

 I'm able to see the price when i'm connected and the price is shown on the product list ( See photo 1 )


When i click on a product i can't see the price neither the add to cart ( see photo 2) and even if there's the add to cart in the products list clicking on it do nothing.




Could someone help me please, first of all i need to find a way to show the price for all my other on the product detail and product list, on the backoffice, I enabled showing prices to all the groups but it's seems not working




And catalog mode is desabled




I badly need your help,


Thank you

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Chedli,

I have a fairly similar issue, I have also made a post but it still needs to be approved by a moderator.
Below you can see my post



One of my multistores doesn't show price or the possibility to order.
Just yesterday all these things were working as intended and I could see all prices.

Working default store: https://store.mob.co/index.php

Non working multistore: https://store.mob.co/joyn/index.php


Does anyone have any idea as to why these prices or the possibility to order could suddenly have dissapeared?

Thanks in advance,


I don't even see the product price on the category overview pages.
If you would have found a solution please let me know.

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