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Cannot delete feature from product


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  • 3 months later...


I have the same problem at I cant remove the features, if I delete the feature and go away, then come back and it's there again. and if I delete the features they usually duplicate so theres a big list and I can't delete them. It's driving me nuts.




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You need to login to your database and edit tables:

PREFIX_feature_product - delete all row where id_feature is 0 - also remember id_feature_value all deleted rows you will need this later

PREFIX_feature_value_lang - delete all row where id_feature_value is same like above

PREFIX_feature_value - delete all row where id_feature is 0


It is good practice to create copy database before editing, in case of trouble you wil be able to restore it.


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  • 2 years later...


I need to remove custom features from a single product. Can I proceed like this?

DELETE FROM PREFIX_feature_value_lang
WHERE id_feature_value IN (
    SELECT id_feature_value
    FROM pm_feature_product
    WHERE id_product = ID_PRODUCT

DELETE FROM PREFIX_feature_value
WHERE id_feature_value IN (
    SELECT id_feature_value
    FROM pm_feature_product
    WHERE id_product = ID_PRODUCT

DELETE FROM PREFIX_feature_product
WHERE id_product = ID_PRODUCT;


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