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[SOLVED Cannot Delete an Unwanted State

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Hi all,

I have set up 76 states for my shipping, one of which is not required and is disabled.

I want to delete it as it shows up in the state drop down in registration even though disabled.

When I try to delete it I get the error 'This State is Currently in use'

any advice on how to remove appreciated.


Edit: I decided to delete the state in the database using phpMyAdmin.

Went back to my site and the State is no longer in the list and everything seems to be working OK.

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  • 2 years later...

Other solution founded on the french forum here

Quick translation :

1 / states are enabled
2 / client create an address using the state I want to delete.
3 / I disabled state. Result: the customer's address still contains the id of the state on the DB but in BO state does not appear.
4 / When I try to remove the state I got the error that the state is used (which is the case in DB but in BO)
Solution: change the inputs of the "addresses" table by replacing the id of the rebel state to 0.
The state no longer being "used" we can finally remove cleanly in BO.
Note: same problem for Illinois and New York states that are used by default by "suppliers" by default (Apple)
Thanks to Jlweb
Edited by SteviaCity (see edit history)
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