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My cached appParameters.php gets recreated with 0 permissions


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I'm running, and almost every time I clear my cache from BO, or save a translation from BO, I get "Internal server error" notification and after that the site (BO and FO) is completely dead. Immediate error 500 on every page load.

I've checked my server logs and it was full of fatal errors: "Failed opening required ....../var/cache/prod/appParameters.php"

I've noticed that file has permissions set to 0. When I chmod it do e.g. 644, the site works fine again as long as I'm not saving translations, clearing cache (and probably doing some other tasks as well in BO).

I've tried chmoding the entire PrestaShop directory recursively to 755, but no luck. What might be the issue?

Thank you.

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  • 6 months later...

I'm digging the web right now :)

This is what I've found specifically for the appParameters.php permission problem:




Found the source of the problem : opcache config.
With .user.ini, I've put :

opcache.revalidate_freq = 0
opcache.validate_timestamps = 1
opcache.revalidate_freq = 0
opcache.fast_shutdown = 0

And it works ! (at last)


But I have no idea where this .user.ini file is or is there at all.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 2 years later...

An alternative solution that worked for me was to completely disable opcache in my hosting provider's admin, because the apache .ini file mentioned in the github article wasn't available for me to edit.

Hope this helps someone.

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